Comité de Défense du Vieux Pérouges, Musée de Pérouges, Maison des princes, cité médiévale
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Louis-Olivier CHESNAY

"This year, our summer guest is Pierre-César Lagage. In a text he wrote specifically for this exhibition, Patrick-Gilles Persin, world-class art critic and friend of Perouges city, gives a few hints on the reasons that led us to choose Pierre-César. He is one of those painters from the middle of last century, that remained unknown during their life, and that will, eventually and in time, meet the fame they deserve."

Jacques Boyon, Président du Comité

“We have chosen to show here, in Perouges, Pierre-César Lagage’s paintings from his 1954-1974 period, on purpose. It is indeed his last 20 years of creation.
Those paintings are among the strongest and most compelling in his whole art life. The first one, from 1954 is at the crossroad of two periods, where he pushes his art farther than pure geometry. He will still need time before he reaches perfect freedom of motion. Therefore, we will follow his evolution, until work completion, whereas illness will lead him to stop painting.”

Patrick Gilles Persin

To read the list of the artists who exhibited in Perouges, please click HERE

Composition (1971)

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